Plastic VFR-IFR Placard
Contains valuable VFR and IFR information.
Pocket size does not have the ICAO flight plan information, Equipment Suffixes or Surveillance Equipment codes on.
Scale options have sectional and WAC scales for nautical and statute miles
Available in 3 Sizes without scale
Pocket size (105 x 148 mm or 4.1 x 5.8 in)
Medium size (115 x 178 mm or 4.5 x 7 in)
Large size (148 x 210 mm or 5.8 x 8.3 in)
Available in 4 sizes with scale
Pocket with scale (115 x 148 mm or 4.5 x 5.8 in)
Medium with scale (125 x 178 mm or 4.9 x 7 in)
Large with scale (148 x 210 mm or 5.8 x 8.3 in)
Bookmark size with scale (IFR ONLY) (92 x 178 mm or 3.6 x 7 in)
The Bookmark IFR placard comes with a lanyard.